I love this! Going away for a several day retreat wouldn't really work for my current life season, but getting out for half a day is a lot more possible!

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Jun 21Liked by Celia A. Miller

I love this idea! I have often wanted to attend some kind of silent retreat or journaling retreat, but have been hesitant. Now I know I can create my own! I'm looking forward to figuring this out. Thanks for your inspiration Celia!

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I was having a conversation last night with friends. Four of them have been on a 72-hour retreat called Tres Dias. It's considered a restorative retreat and just about everyone who goes truly loves it. I have not been as of yet, however, many of the reasons they love it, it seems, are because they received time away from all other distractions to focus solely and wholly on God and their relationship with Christ.

We were actually talking about how great it was for them, and I wished I had pondered the question, is it because you don't make time to do any of those things as part of your regular spiritual practices? However, I was telling them that it sounded great, and it wasn't that I wasn't interested, but it didn't sound too much different than how I already try to live my life.

Our culture, even inside good churches, are such that we don't talk about spiritual practices that bring a deep, lasting, restorative peace to our relationship with God. Those include things that most people do not make a priority. Many of them were talking about not having the time to get away like that, and while that may be true, we can do things, like you always talk about, to bring pieces of practices into our lives that help us unite with God deeply and often.

Even them best of us (Celia A. Miller included), are prone to forget sometimes. And to be honest, It's been a while since I've taken a half-day retreat, other than maybe as part of my sabbath practice for a couple of hours here and there. I am looking forward to doing this next weekend though as my wife is at an art retreat Thursday through Sunday in Idaho. While I will be with her in location, we will not be together for most of the days, and I'll be spending time on both writing retreat, and spiritual retreat.

As always, Celia. Love your honestly, and vulnerability and how you are a pace-setter for some of us. Many blessings!

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