Love that image of Him gathering us in His arms!

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This is so beautiful, and I really needed these words today. I've been feeling really stuck in my spirituality since becoming a mother! My couch was always my space too, and... I'm not sure where my space is now (physically or figuratively). And it's been frustrating to feel a little lost. But I'm really grateful for this reminder to God's invitation to ask and listen. Because I haven't been doing very much of that, haha.

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Thanks for sharing that, friend 🫶🏻 I can totally resonate. I’m thankful that God walks with us, loving on us, even when we feel stuck. And maybe just receiving that truth is enough for today 🤍 holding space for all the things for you here.

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A thoughtful exploration of how the truest concepts of attachment theory perfectly reflect how we attach to Abba. Love this!

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