Thanks for your list of great books --- I have selected a few and ordered them from my library. I can definitely share your recommendation of "Sensible Shoes" by Sharon Garlough Brown.

Which character did you most identify with? I think I am a mixture of Hannah and Charissa.

I have attended a number of online and in person retreats with Sharon and they always inspire me and deepen my spiritual life. I would highly recommend this book and her retreats.

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I'm so glad you found some books on this list that resonate with you!

I, too, found myself mirrored in both Hannah and Charissa in Sensible Shoes -- how interesting that we shared the same experience! I had no idea that Sharon held retreats. I am definitely going to be looking into that because I would love to attend! Thank you for that info.

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Oh yes, she has connections to New Zealand and came down here to hold a weekend retreat --- it was sooooo good! I came away completely reset, refreshed and revitalised. I discovered new ways to deepen my connection and relationship with Jesus, Papa God and Spirit. Highly recommend. During Covid she took to do retreats online via zoom --- still good.

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