In just two days from now, Sunday, December 3rd, we enter into the first liturgical season of the church year known as Advent. Advent, derived from the Latin word Adventus, means to come.
It signifies ‘the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event’.
“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize Him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.”
— Henri Nouwen
During Advent, we light a candle to illuminate the dark.
It’s during Advent that we slow our pace, hush and quiet our hearts, and expectantly wait to receive Immanuel — God With Us. During Advent, we hold the heavy tension of a hurting world, hurting hearts, and hurting bodies, with the hope and eternal peace that Christ gives. We don’t turn away from the broken things — even if, especially if, we are the broken thing — and instead hold up empty, weary hands to the One Who came in the form of a babe to set right everything that has gone astray.
God cloaked in human flesh.
God, Who came down from heaven and decided to stay and immerse Himself amongst the people He created. Not because He was forced to, but because He wanted to. He wanted to be close to us. Jesus wanted to lay hands on the blind, the dying, the sick, the broken… on you and me — all for love’s sake.
We hold these truths in our hearts and minds during the Advent season as we count down the days to Christmas — the day that changed everything for you and me. The day that Christ came bringing all of heaven’s glory with Him.
Maybe the Advent season isn’t familiar to you, friend. Or, perhaps you’ve been celebrating Advent for most of your life, and you consider yourself a seasoned follower of the liturgical (or church year) calendar. Despite whatever category you fall into, my prayer for you this December is that Advent will awaken something new in you.
To echo that prayer, I wanted to provide you with some Advent resources to help you engage with God through this sacred season.
Advent Devotional Books
One of my favorite ways to engage with God through Advent is by choosing a devotional book to return to each day. Even if life gets a bit hectic and I skip a few days, I always find that returning to the pages of an Advent devotional book is a comforting and intimate way to slow down and turn back toward God amidst the busyness of the Christmas season.
The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-With-Us Then, Here, and Now by Scott Erickson
Advent & Christmas: Wisdom from Saint Francis of Assisi compiled by John Kruse
Advent Ebook/Digital Devotionals
Here are some digital resources that you may find helpful in turning your heart toward Christ this Advent season.
Advent is Coming with Hannah Brencher: a free 25-day journey through Advent (free)
Be Still & Know: Seeking Still Moments in God’s Presence this Advent Season by Celia A. Miller
Ann Voskamp’s Advent Sticky Notes for Your Soul — I printed these out last year and created my own Advent calendar. (free download)
Advent Audio Resources
One of my favorite ways to walk through Advent with Jesus is by listening to devotional readings or meditations. I feel like it helps me listen in a deeper way to God’s invitations to me during this season.
Come Lord Jesus: The Weight of Waiting by Chris Camealy (audio form)
Writer and Spiritual Director, Emily P. Freeman, has created an app called The Quiet Collection where she shares prayers and reflections. Each year, she releases what’s called The Quiet Collection for Christmas, which is purchasable within the app. These are lovely and probably my favorite meditations to listen to each year.
On the Lectio365 app, available for download on your smartphone, they will be offering an Advent series this year with daily readings and prayers centered around the season. This year’s series is called ‘Light in the Night’ and begins December 4th.
Enter into the Advent Season Scripturally
Another great way to engage with the season of Advent is by walking through the season Scripturally. Reading and meditating on Advent-themed passages helps us rest in the Lord, quiet our hearts and minds, and ready ourselves to receive Immanuel: God With Us. You may even try focusing on small parts of a specific passage and practicing Lectio Divina or Imaginative Prayer while you read, opening yourself up to hear what God may be speaking to you through it.
Here are some Scripture passages that center around the Advent season:
Isaiah 9:2-7
Hebrews 4:14-16
Micah 5:2
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:39-45
Luke 2:1-7
An Advent Prayer
Personally, friend, Advent is my favorite season of the entire church year. I always revel in its invitation to slow down, quiet my soul in the presence of God, and receive the gift of Immanuel: God With Me. I’ve found that as I let myself be fully immersed in Advent, my soul finds its rest, and I pray that yours would, too. I pray that God would reveal Himself in new and familiar ways to you as you draw closer to Him and walk toward Jesus’ birth.
I’ll end today’s letter with an Advent prayer, taken from my Advent eBook, Be Still & Know. I pray these words will be a gift and a blessing as you make them your own.
Jesus, still my hurried heart, and help me seek moments of quiet in Your presence today.
May I drink in the wonder of Advent as You posture my soul from rushed to rested.
I want to find You in the silence, Lord.
I want to encounter You in the quiet and ask that as I linger in Your presence a little longer, You would grow seeds of faith where weeds of doubt grow.
May You water my soul with Your sacred silence today and during the rest of this Advent season.
With you on the journey,
Life Lately

A Breath Prayer for Beginning the Advent Season
Inhale: Behold.
Exhale: Your King comes to you.
(adapted from Zechariah 9:9)
*If you’d like to learn more about the practice of breath prayer, download this complete digital guide to practicing breath prayer.
I also have available in my Etsy shop Advent-themed breath prayer cards. You can grab them here: The Beholding Co.
Resources & Good Things to Pick Up
My Etsy shop, The Beholding Co., offers contemplative resources to help you slow down, seek still moments, and behold God’s presence with you in the everyday. Purchase some breath prayer cards, a Lectio Divina bookmark, and more.
Last year, I wrote an Advent eBook devotional and it’s now on my Etsy shop again, along with some Advent-themed breath prayer cards. If you find yourself wanting to make more intentional space for Christ this Christmas season, I think these resources will help:
Grab a copy of my Bible study, You Are Beloved: a 21-day study on how to root your identity in the love of God, over on Amazon. If you’d like a free 3-day sample of the study, reply to this email and I’ll send it right over!
My friend and licensed spiritual director, Kari Bartkus, offers an 8-week journaling program for those who want to process their grief and trauma with God within the safety of blank journal pages. I’ve completed the program myself and can say confidently that it was incredibly impactful and healing: Journal Gently
An Invitation to Pause & Reflect
A regular practice of reflection helps us recognize what’s going on beneath the surface of our souls so we can name it in the Lord’s presence. Because as we learn to name what we feel, what we need, and what we long for, we’re also learning to discern the Spirit’s sweet, gentle voice within our hearts and lives.
Take a few moments today or this weekend to journal or contemplate with the Holy Spirit the following question(s) or prompt(s):
What invitations do you sense from God this Advent season?
What spiritual practice or rhythm could you cultivate to help you walk with Jesus through Advent?
Lovely reflection and thanks for all the great resources!!