Hello, friend, and happy Thursday!
Every once in a while, I upload a longer-form piece of writing on my website where all of the longer-form blog posts live, and today is one of those days, my friend!
On my website today, you’ll find a new blog post uploaded titled, ‘7 Things That Are Saving My Life Right Now: The Summer Edition’, where I share with you 7 things that are bringing me life and joy and light at the start of this summer season. I didn’t come up with this practice on my own and want to give credit where credit is due.
Emily P. Freeman, the host of The Next Right Thing podcast, has a quarterly practice on her podcast of sharing a certain number of things that are saving her life each season. She just released her summer list of things that are saving her life right now, and I had so much fun listening that I decided to offer you my own list of things that are saving my life this summer.
It was a fun piece to write and blessed me greatly to put it together, and I pray that it would bless you to read it in some shape or form, too.
Check it out at this link, here: 7 Things That Are Saving My Life Right Now: The Summer Edition
With you on the journey,